
We have a number of conditions we're able to treat at our clinic

Other skin conditions

Acne and Acne Scarring

Acne and acne scarring may be treated with Skin-Pen® Micro-needling, Medical Microdermabrasion or Laser Genesis. Sometimes a combination of treatments may be used. These are progressive procedures, which means a course of treatments may be recommended. We treat each person individually and recommend a personal treatment programme tailor made for your needs.

Facial Flushing

Facial Flushing

Facial flushing is a common condition which occurs in some people for a variety of reasons such as after caffeine, alcohol, spicy food, or hot and cold conditions.  We use Intense Pulse Light to remove the unwanted surface capillaries that are the cause of the flushing.

Sun and age damaged skin

Sun and age damaged skin

This mainly occurs on the face, neck chest and hands and can result in blotchiness, redness, pigmented marks etc. We use Intense Pulse Light to reduce much of the redness and the pigment. It may also improve the smoothness of the skin by stimulating collagen production. Remove This treatment is called photo rejuvenation.

Excessive underarm sweating

Excessive underarm sweating

This, for some people, is a very distressing condition that can be treated with Botulinum Toxin injections into the affected area. The treatment is very easy and much less uncomfortable than people expect it to be. The treatment can last for a year or more in some people.
Skin lumps and bumps

Skin lumps and bumps

These include cysts, skin tags, keratoses, moles and lipoma that the NHS will not remove because they are considered ‘cosmetic’. We treat these with either liquid nitrogen to freeze them or remove with minor surgery.

Thread veins

Thread veins

Thread veins are very common but can be distressing and embarrassing. We treat leg veins at the clinic using Sclerotherapy and laser.