Botulinum Toxin

Everybody gets natural lines and wrinkles as they grow older – this is caused by the breakdown of natural collagen and support layers lying just under your skin. Botulinum helps combat the signs of ageing by relaxing overactive facial muscles, plumping up the skin and so creating a smoother look. The most popular areas to treat are laughter lines and frown lines. It may also help with tension headaches. Botulinum treatment involves a number of injections using a very fine needle into specific facial muscles that are causing the lines. The injections cause temporary muscle relaxation by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses, producing a smoother look to the skin. Botulinum is a non-surgical procedure that is usually completed in about 30 minutes.

When movement starts to return 12-14 weeks later, a repeat treatment is all that is required to maintain a smoother effect. You will see a marked improvement in the moderate to severe lines that have been causing the wrinkles. For more information and to discuss your questions in complete confidence with one of our medical team, call the clinic on 01323 735635.

Botulinum Toxin
Botulinum Toxin
Botulinum Toxin
Botulinum Toxin

Detailed Pricing

One Area Treated - £210
Two Areas Treated - £265
Three Areas Treated - £320