Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are injectable products either natural or synthetic used to help restore facial volume, treat skin depressions, define facial contours, treat fine lines, improve skin quality or enhance lip shape/volume.

The hyaluronic acid that occurs naturally in your skin plays an important role in supporting the skin structure and helping to give elasticity and tone. It is the reduction of this natural acid over time that contributes to ageing.

At Arlington Clinic we use Juvederm products. Juvederm® is a manufactured version of hyaluronic acid. When injected just beneath the surface of the skin, it mimics the hydrating and lifting effect by imprisoning and binding water molecules and giving back volume, helping to preserve and restore a youthful looking skin. You may require several syringes of dermal filler in one session or as part of an ongoing treatment plan.

Juvederm® is suitable for all skin types and gives immediate results in just one treatment - it instantly supports your skin, smoothing wrinkles and softening facial lines - including the lines around the mouth - and filling facial scars.

Visit the Juvederm® website

The results of Juvederm® treatment will last for up to 12 months in the face although slightly less in the lips.

As it's a naturally based material, it eventually breaks down and is absorbed by your body. You will need ongoing treatments if you want to maintain the look you want.

For more information and to discuss your questions in complete confidence with one of our medical team, call the clinic on 01323 735635.

Dermal Fillers
Dermal Fillers

Detailed Pricing

Dermal Fillers
Volift Retouch (0.55ml) - £250
Volite (1ml) - £350
Volbella (1ml) - £350
Volift (1ml) - £350
Voluma (1ml) - £350
Volux (1ml) - £350

Advanced Filler Techniques
Tear Trough Filler - From £400
Non Surgical Rhinoplasty - From £400

Jawline Filler   - From £400